
Less Adhesive, Ceramic Kopong Could Explode

The use of the floor tiles for your home actually is the right choice. In addition to the available of various shapes and colors, ceramics are also relatively easy treatment.

However, sometimes the tile floor can be "up" and emits such a burst. After "exploding", usually ceramic will be damaged or broken. Here's how to cope with these events:

Adhesive mortar

Ceramic "meletek" occurs because the adhesive mortar. Before this happens, you can test it by tapping gently or hitting ceramics.

Ceramics are not perfect terekat would emit a sound like kopong. However, if it's already happened, cut the floor with grindstone, nat or hammer and chisel metal.

Remove the ceramic

After that, remove the ceramic resigned from the floor with arrangement of levers. Start from the Center, and then toward the edge.

Ceramic glue

Use cement to glue ceramic instant. Place the ceramic, then 7-8 ceramics with a rubber hammer.

Install nat

Finally, apply the grout in between the tiles. However, if you cannot find the exact same with ceramic tile before, we suggest that you do a little "experiment". How, some ceramic colors combine or a different form of ceramic. Make a mix of several types of ceramic floors in the area!

Good luck!

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